It was smokin’ at the beautiful Riverview in Simsbury Thursday night for Faith’s Food Schmooze Martini Competition to benefit WNPR and CPTV.
Food Schmooze Gold
Plan B’s Smokin’ with James
Creators: Eric Williams and Jim Wishnoski
Food Schmooze Silver
Quench Cafe’s Night of Passion
Creator: Rob Martini
Food Schmooze Bronze
Max Burger’s Blueberry Mo-Tini
Creator: Jason Sowik
Food Schmooze Craft Winner
Judge: Anthony DeSerio, Guild President, CT Chapter, US Bartenders’ Guild
Barley Vine’s Life’s Rich Tapestry
Creator: Khalid Williams
The Food Schmooze team mixed it up with more than 700 revelers at the sold-out event. Ticket holders sampled creative “martini cocktails” and voted and then noshed at stations serving knockout food from many of Connecticut’s top restaurants.
“The dancing was hot, the light show was sizzlin’, and setting an attendance record was thrilling,” says Faith. “Yet mostly I’m struck by how talented our Connecticut bartenders are. They could enter and conceivably win at any international competition. We’re so grateful for their participation and so proud of them.”
The Food Schmooze thanks those of you who attended the event—it was fantastic for us to meet you in person. We are beyond grateful to the restaurants, bartenders, and staff who generously supported the knockout party of the season. Riverview, you were at your best, and thanks a million. And tremendous gratitude to the entire team at WNPR and CPTV who did so much great work behind the scenes to make the event a roaring—and we mean roaring—success.
As always, our cocktail recipes, food recipes, value wines, tips, and lessons are here on the site. Faith, Chris Prosperi, Alex Province, and Lori Mack can’t believe how many of you have become our “Food Schmooze pals” by visiting as often as you do here at foodschmooze.org.