Prime rib seems to be the taco of New York City now. Earlier, the city was awash in tacquerias and you’d find them on just about every menu in all the boroughs. Now, it’s all about that retro slab of juicy meat and crispy skin — prime rib. Name chefs are racing to put it on the menu, the smart ones offering it with Yorkshire Pudding. What about Connecticut?
We’ve located a number of restaurants that have long served prime rib or have added it to their menus:
- Mario’s Place, Westport
- Ted’s Montana Grill, Hartford
- The Griswold Inn, Essex
- Carmen Anthony
- Chowder Pot, Branford
- Flemming’s Steak House, West Hartford
- The White Horse Country Pub, Marbledale
- David Burke, Foxwoods Casino
- Elmo’s Dockside, Vernon