Our guess is you’ve burned with desire to know which wine pairs wonderfully with popcorn. It comes up all the time. You’ll be looking for furniture or cookware, and you’ll overhear, “Red or white for popcorn?” The wine geek responds by saying, depends on the spices on the popcorn. But our Alex Province, only part wine geek, says you have to go with a sprightly chardonnay, one with a whisper of butter and a refreshing acidity to balance it out.
Alex brought us a South African chardonnay, 2013 DMZ, with just the profile he describes. It’s a very nice sipping wine for any reason, but it went superbly with our many popcorn flavors. You should be able to find it for around $20. Call ahead to your wine store and ask if they have DMZ from DeMorgenzon Winery. If not, say that the distributor is Worldwide Wines (how they look it up in the wine directory at the store.) — FM