When Faith or contributor Mark Raymond hit the beach in new places, they like to make instant wood fire grills, which you can also do in your own yard.
Bring a grill grate on vacation, or buy just the grate at a hardware store. Near the beach, scour for some rocks and dried wood. Place the rocks in a U shape and set the grill grate on top. Load with some dried wood, including driftwood, and start the fire. As soon as the flames die down and white ash embers appear, it’s time to cook. (This is all assuming it’s legal to make a fire on the beach; sometimes you need a town permit.)
List for the vacation place or hardware store:
- Grill grate
- Newspaper
- Matches or lighter
- Cooler with ice packs for food and drink
- Utensils, paper plates, cups
- Wine opener, if necessary