No matter where you go now, farmers markets are booming, selling farm-fresh produce, meat, poultry, fruits, and sundries. (Check here for Connecticut listings.) In Hartford, The North End Farmer’s Market has now added a variety of resources for its customers, including education materials and nutrition counselors.
Thanks to a grant from Wholesome Wave and support from Ct.Grown, The North End Market offers double SNAP and EBT benefits, allowing recipients to receive twice the amount of foodstuff they would normally be able to afford. It’s a special hit with seniors.
The North End Farmers Market was set up purposely in front of a senior center on Coventry Street, says market manager Sirana Beik. The location removes transportation issues, provides a sense of community, and there are now special savings for seniors in the form of additional coupons from ctgrown.
Market staff are especially focused on featuring ingredients that are of particular interest to immigrant communities in the surrounding neighborhoods, so it’s easy to see why it’s the place to be every Wednesday.
The North End Farmer’s Market is now in its eighth season, and runs from 10 a.m,. to 1 p.m. through Oct. 29.