From Faith — Food and drink are two of the surest routes to happiness. Think how it feels when someone has knocked themselves out to please you at the table. Even mediocre food and wine gifts have made me happy because they were given with love and care. Beyond good meals and food gifts, how do we cultivate happiness?
New Haven Psychologist Nancy Horn, a longtime contributor to our show and a living treasure, shares her ideas on fostering happiness, including the 7 things you need to be happy, along with exercises that will make you happiness-oriented. (You know, Abby Dodge’s cookie recipes on our pages have oriented me beautifully.)
1. Gratitude: Make a gratitude list daily for three weeks. Jot down three things that went well, and what your contribution was to each of them. (This helps rewire the brain.)
2. Kindness: Pick one day each week and on that day do five kind or altruistic things.
3. Mindfulness: Be mindful, meaning savor your experiences, be aware of how you feel.
4. Optimism: Write down how your life will be in 5 or 10 years , imagining that you are writing as someone whose dreams have come true.
5. Self-Compassion: Forgive your own failings and imperfections.
6. Forgiveness: What science says about how unhealthy it is to not forgive someone is true. Forgive, even if it’s for yourself.
7. Connection: Offer it and receive it as often as possible in your daily life.
Want to hear more from Dr. Horn? Listen to the entire show on-demand here.
(Dr. Horn is in private practice in New Haven. She gives credit for the happiness list here to researchers in the field of positive psychology. You can find Dr. Horn at www.Drnancyhorn.com)