From Faith: More than a decade ago, I was reading The New York Times food section and stumbled on a recipe from renowned chef Alain Ducasse; it would be perfect for Hanukkah, or any winter weekend. But you have to think big.
While I can’t get enough of those delightfully crisp potato pancakes at this time of year, it’s possible to make fewer — as long as their bigger.
Alain Ducasse suggested making a giant potato pancake the size of the skillet bottom, crisped on both side, for every person you’re serving. That pancake is then used as the “raft” for a beef stew, such as brisket or short ribs, one with lots of gravy. One pancake the size of a dinner plate per person is all you need, trust me. (Keep the early ones warm in the oven as you make the others.)
I’ve made them several times this way and it’s a thrill to see that giant, glorious pancake slide out of the pan onto my plate. It’s a wow for guests, too.
I wouldn’t dare suggest a latkes recipe since a million are listed online, and everyone seems to have a family favorite. (I like mine with a little spice or a drizzle of truffle oil.)