From Faith — Funny is good. Witty is great. Gina Barreca is a wit par excellence. Author of a new book of essays, titled just as it is in our headline, Gina provides endlessly thoughtful, wicked, and hilarious observations about food, sex, romance, and Abraham Lincoln’s dog. Okay, we just threw in that last part because it’s supposed to sell books. You could always check out the book at a public library since we all know there’s nothing wrong with that. The point is we always need a good, smart book to make us laugh, right?
The subtitle of Gina’s “Lean In” book is “Questions and Thoughts for Loud, Smart Women in Turbulent Times,” and we know lots of women in our audience are at least one out of two (smart, of course!). Learn more about Gina by visiting her web site, and buy her latest book of essays from Amazon or Indiebound.