From Faith: Leave it to our friends in San Francisco, where they’ve opened a kind of bar/library called The Interval, located in the Fort Mason Center. It’s very high-tech-meets-industrial-design, and, along with wine and cocktails, features 1,000 books in all categories, as well as reference books. Interval is reported to have been the idea of the Long Now Foundation, whose board of directors includes Brian Eno. Soon Interval intends to have two robots on staff, one of them predicting the future on a chalkboard. But that’s not all the SanFran food news…
Across town from The Interval, there is a shop where they make one thing all day—toast. We were amused when we saw this, but then we remembered what it’s like to bite into warm toast made from good bread, slathered with soft farm butter. How would the earthquake gods dare to harm a city with a library/bar and a toast restaurant?