Take this label shot to your wine store, or read it to them by phone. At around $15 a bottle, maybe less, this is a fabulous steal discovered by our Senior Contributor and wine broker Alex Province. I think it’s the ideal match for just about anything on your Thanksgiving table. Great host present, too; you can be proud to walk in the door with it. Esprit de Flore is a Malbec from France and sold here. This is a dancer in the glass, with velvet fruit notes thanks to the dash of Merlot, and a firm grip, thanks to the 90% Malbec. When I sipped, I experienced that echo at the back of my throat that says quality, no matter what price. The talented winemaker is Jean-Luc Baldes and its made in Southwest France just in time to grace our holiday tables. What a lithe charmer! Thanks, Alex, great find. (Be sure to tell your wine store the distributor is Winebow so they can look it up fast for you.)