These three excellent wines drink as though they were far more expensive than they are, and they’re very food-friendly. The rosé, which is an increasingly popular choice, is made in the Provence region of France. The bone-dry Sassoso wine originates in the Emilia Romania region of Italy. The Ruvei is from a terrific wine region in Italy, called Piedmont.
We suggest you call your wine store before you get there and ask if these wines are in stock. If not, simply say the distributor is Frederick Wildman & Sons. They should be able to have the wines delivered to the store for you in 24 hours.
Pay special attention to the very dry sparkling red, Col Sassoso. You read that right… a dry, repeat, bone dry red that has a little effervescence in it, as if it were a Prosecco, and it’s spectacular with foods of all kinds. (Serve it chilled any time of year.)
— FM
- Hecht Bannier Rosé, 2014, around $20.
- Col Sassoso, dry sparkling red, 2013, around $15.
- Ruvei (pronounced Rue-VAY), dry red, 2013, around $15.
The distributor of these wines is Frederick Wildman & Sons, brought to us by our frequent contributor Mark Raymond of Wethersfield, Conn.