Carla Bartolucci’s cookbook, Einkorn, features recipes for Yogurt Blueberry Muffins, Spinach Lasagne Bolognese, Neapolitan Pizza Margherita, cookies, breads, sourdough starter, pies, tarts, pastries, pudding and street food.
• ON-DEMAND: Listen to Faith and Carla discuss Carla’s book Einkorn and several recipes using einkorn. •
Get a Taste of the book: Just before the show where Carla was our guest, we feasted on New York-Style Pizza and her Antipasto Quick Bread.
Jovial’s Einkorn flour and/or boxed pasta are sold in various chain stores, including Whole Foods and Fairway, and a number of independent health food markets such as Fiddleheads, Willimantic Food Co-Op, Foodworks, and Edge of the Woods. It’s best to call ahead, we’re told, to make sure the market you visit has the specific product you’re looking for since Jovial also supplies major chains like Stop & Shop and Shop Rite with its organic gluten-free boxed pastas, jarred tomatoes, and Einkorn sourdough crackers, usually found in the health food or gluten-sensitive departments. While Jovial says it prefers that customers support local stores, if you’re stuck, the company offers its products online with free shipping at jovialfoods.com.
— Faith Middleton