From Faith: In keeping with our recent theme of calorie-friendly cocktails, we asked our frequent contributor Anthony DeSerio for something that could be served hot or cold, and would be health and calorie-friendly; he produced a lovely martini using Earl Grey tea and honey, mixed with vodka, tequila, or gin (around 60 calories per ounce.)
This drink is as easy as making a cup of tea… first, make a quick honey-tea mixture, which will last about three weeks in the fridge, according to Anthony, in case you want to have this again. Below, we’ll tell you how to make the syrup, then give you instructions on adding tea to serve this drink hot or cold.
(Anthony DeSerio, a regular Food Schmooze® (r) listener, is an award-winning bartender, and member of the U.S. Bartenders Guild in Connecticut.)
- In a large measuring cup, add honey and pour in boiling hot water. Add tea bags and stir, allowing honey to melt. If you want this hot, allow the bags to steep a few minutes and serve in cups with an ounce of gin or vodka. Or, to serve cold, allow the steeping tea to come to room temperature and store the tea-honey syrup covered in the refrigerator. To make a chilled martini, mix together 2 oz. of London Dry Gin (Anthony likes Beefeater here), along with 1 oz. of Earl Grey Honey Syrup and 1 oz. of fresh lemon juice. Add to a shaker with ice and strain into a martini glass, chilled if possible.
NOTE: Anthony says you can make the same cocktail using Patron tequila as the liquor, and substituting an equal amount of fresh grapefruit juice in place of the lemon juice. Simply follow the steps above.