Why not put a platter of enchiladas out for a party or bring them to your next potluck? The enchiladas are easy to make, you can use any meaty filling you like—or black beans, corn, and avocado for a vegetarian filling—and a saucy platter of enchiladas is always a crowd-pleaser.
Rose Levy Beranbaum’s Chocolate Chip Cookies
I brown the butter for these cookies to add flavor and remove the water. Adding golden syrup or corn syrup helps to keep them moist and chewy. Golden syrup adds a delicious butterscotch element.
Rose Levy Beranbaum’s Gingerbread Folks
Gingerbread men and women cookies hanging from the tree or sitting on the mantel are a charming holiday tradition. Ginger is not only an appealing spicy flavor, it serves as a great preservative.
Rose Levy Beranbaum’s Milk Chocolate Caramel Tart
If ever there was a melt-in-the-mouth dessert, this is it! Chocolate and caramel tarts are high on the list of the most popular desserts.
Rose Levy Beranbaum’s Milk Chocolate Ganache
This ganache, reminiscent of a chocolate bar, is for the many milk chocolate lovers. It makes a luscious, creamy filling for the Milk Chocolate Caramel Tart and is also excellent to use to frost a cake.
Rose Levy Beranbaum’s Sweet Cookie Tart or Pie Crust (Pâte Sucrée)
A cookie crust is firmer but more tender than a flaky pie crust. It maintains its crisp and tender texture even when chilled, which makes it more suitable for tarts that require refrigeration.