Holy moly do I love ramen. And, by the way, I’m not talking about the “Peel off the lid. Pour boiling water into the cup. Let sit for three minutes. Stir well and serve” variety. I’m talking about huge bowls of chewy, luxurious noodles swimming in a flavorful, savory broth with an assortment of proteins, loads of garnishes, and a soft- boiled egg floating on top. Comfort food of the highest order.
Giada De Laurentiis’ Cacio e Pepe with Pancetta and Arugula
What makes this dish great is its simplicity. Traditional cacio e pepe doesn’t include greens, but I find some arugula lightens up the dish. Feel free to swap the arugula for peas or asparagus spears or even artichoke hearts. It’s an all-in-one meal, no salad needed!
Giada De Laurentiis’ Grilled Scallops with Prosciutto and Basil
Pink peppercorns make these grilled scallop skewers beautiful and summery—as if you’re eating a spicy rose petal. You could serve this with (or atop) an arugula salad. Add a squeeze of juice from a grilled lemon half if you like.
Giada De Laurentiis’ Grilled Chicken Involtini
The crunchy and cheesy bites that ooze out of the sides of this “rolled” chicken are irresistible. Most kids go crazy for this, but it has sophisticated flavors adults will enjoy, too.
Chris Prosperi’s Spicy Chicken Quesadilla
Faith and Chris are big believers in loading your quesadilla up with all the veggies you love, so make these your own. Serve with your favorite salsas (homemade or store-bought, we don’t care). The idea is just to have fun together.
Asian Grilled Chicken Fajitas with Cucumber Salsa
What a treat these were during our recent visit to Newman’s Own in Westport, CT. If you’re not a fan of wasabi in the salsa, feel free to skip it.