From Faith: It takes minutes to make this appetizer. Buy flat tostada shells (or mini cups) at the supermarket. Mix together yogurt, jarred horseradish and mayo. Layer on smoked salmon. Sprinkle with olives or chives and a splash of tequila. Done! You’ll find this recipe in his new cookbook, Jacques Pépin, Heart and Soul in the […]
Jacque Pépin’s Garlic-Butter Escargot or Shrimp Baked Potatoes
From Faith: Here’s another brilliant idea from Jacques Pépin — making a luscious garlic-butter sauce to load into crispy baked potatoes along with escargot, or shrimp, scallops, or chicken, if you’re turned off by snails. Even better, you fast-cook the potatoes to start in a microwave! You’ll find this in Jacques’ new cookbook, called Jacques Pépin, […]
Jacques Pepin’s Store-Bought Pizza Dough Apple Galette
Yes, the former chef to the President of France has created this crazy-easy way to make a sweet apple tart using supermarket pizza dough! And it tastes like you spent hours creating this rustic-looking wonder. While there are truly terrific recipes in Jacques newest cookbook, Jacques Pépin’s Heart & Soul in the Kitchen, we fell […]
Don’t Throw Away the Turkey Carcass—It’s Tasty
From Alex Province : Put on a big pot of water, throw in the turkey carcass, and you’ll have the base for a fantastic “freezer” soup before you know it. That’s what Matt and I do every Thanksgiving night while cleaning up the kitchen. Here’s the formula… turkey carcass plus aromatic vegetables and simmering makes […]
Ultra-Crispy Dry-Brined Turkey
Novelist Robb Forman Dew is a fabulous Southern cook who hails from Louisiana. (She might also deserve a medal for her nervy novel title, Being Polite to Hitler.) Dew’s republished cookbook, A Southern Thanksgiving, includes this terrific recipe for a dry-brined turkey that is cut up after the butcher removes the backbone, then roasted to […]
Oven-Roasted Cranberry-Citrus Compote
Our copy of Fine Cooking Magazine’s book, How to Cook a Turkey, is dog-eared and food splattered. What’s great about this cranberry recipe is that it’s hands-off. You can roast it in the oven up to a week ahead; we think it’s better that way. Thus, you are killing two birds with one stone, though […]