If you’re like Faith and Lori Mack, you stop on the way home for a cooked rotisserie chicken. While it’s delicious as is, and easy, here’s a way to pull off the cooked chicken meat and make something that tastes great!
Coconut Milk French Toast
It’s French toast, what can we say? Well, we can say it soars when you dip Challah bread in coconut milk!
Chicken, Veal or Lamb Chops with Persian Pesto
When this recipe was placed here on The Food Schmooze site, the Mexican drug cartels were playing politics with lime prices, making lime prices skyrocket. That’s why we were delighted to find such a fabulous Persian recipe calling for dried lime or lemon powder instead of fresh limes. You can get this online, of course, […]
Buffalo Tempeh Wraps with Blue Cheese Dressing
Nancy Kennedy is a nutrition consultant to Red Carpet types, who must be hungry all the time. Or at least they were until they tried Nancy’s wrap combinations. We especially love this one.
Grilled Italian Sausage Pitas with Feta & Mint
Author Brooke Parkhurst says her husband Jamie hasn’t met a street food he doesn’t like. His all-time favorite is a sausage and pepper sandwich. Brooke lightens it up in a Mediterranean way with mint, feta and watercress, stuffed into Pita-style pockets along with the grilled sausage.
Sexy Grilled Chimichurri Steak
Many Argentines and Brazilians know how to party, and when they do, out comes someone’s much-loved Chimichurri sauce. While we’ve had this alluring sauce for beef in many restaurants, most versions were just okay, not the real thing. Ah, but this one is fantastico! Sashay over to the grill and have at it.